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"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

John 7:38

Our History

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On March 23, 1980, Pastor Adolph Thomas organized the Living Water Baptist Church (LWBC) upon the divine unction of the Holy Ghost. Some of the faith-filled original congregation who remains with us today is his wife, Mother Gladys Thomas, their children, Deacon Dennis Wright and children, and Brother Sam Green. Our church name was biblically birthed and inspired by God in a vision to Pastor Thomas. Living Water held its first service at the Carl Chavis YMCA, High Point, NC.


On that 4th Sunday in March, twenty-eight (28) members joined our church family and committed to building the Kingdom of God. With great anticipation of God to do greater things in the life of our church, we relocated to a building on Fourth Street. After a brief period there, God opened another door for the LWBC family and enabled us to move to another facility located at 609 Amos Street. Although it provided us a place to worship, we still continued hoping, praying, and believing God for a more suitable place of worship to call our church home. It was then we moved into a building located on Brentwood Street without realizing that God would eventually bring us back to this street but in a different location. When most would have given up and settled, the people of LWBC kept the faith, looked to God for more, and would not stop until God gave us somewhere to call our own.


After seven years of labor, continuously fasting, and praying, the Lord did another great thing in our ministry. Suddenly we found ourselves in a growing stage that would not allow the Brentwood location to accommodate us. The need for space and expansion became a great demand. In 1987, the Hand of God moved in our favor as we purchased our first property located at 166 Ravina Lane. We stayed there for many years carrying out the Will of God. While in this place, many came and went, deacons & deaconesses were ordained, ministers were licensed to preach the Gospel, ministries were formed, and the LWBC continued to grow.


As a result of this growth and another vision from the Lord, on July 11, 1999, the LWBC family moved to 1300 Brentwood, where we are today, walking by faith and not by sight. Without a doubt, our church anthem is true; We Have Come This Far By Faith! During a period of illness and declining health, Pastor Thomas realized just as Moses did in Deuteronomy 31 that he must prepare the church to carry on in his latter days. In 2003, LWBC learned to adjust to major changes. While adjusting to a new pastor, LWBC experienced the loss of the founder. The days of our founder came to an end as the Lord called Pastor Thomas home to eternal rest. Pastor Thomas served the Living Water Baptist Church family from 1980 until January 2002.  Rev. Tavaris L. Johnson was installed as Pastor in January 2002 and served until September 2004. Under Pastor Johnson's leadership, exponential growth took place. New ministries were formed, and great improvements were made in the ministry.

Pastor Robert & Evangelist Likesha Morgan Tillman served as phenomenal leaders of the Living Water Baptist Church (LWBC) from September 2004 until February 2007. They answered to an assignment of spiritual urgency at LWBC to rebuild the ministry. As the thirdly installed leaders of LWBC, Pastor & Lady Tillman's focus and mission was to help God's people understand their God-given purpose, empower, motivate, and push them to their ultimate destiny. Their practical approach to God's word made Living Water Church, the church "where the spirit of God is the flowing force." After Pastor Tillman transitioned to another ministry opportunity, God called the various Pastors to lead his flock:

  • Reverend Randall Baldwin served the Living Water Baptist Church from June 1, 2008, until May 17, 2009. 


  • On January 2, 2011, the Living Water Baptist Church was guided to select the Reverend Daryl Napper, Sr. as its 5th Pastor. Pastor Napper served Living Water Baptist Church from January 2011 until July 20, 2014. Under Pastor Napper's ministry, several ministries were formed. Once again, God continued to grow the church through Pastor Napper's leadership. 


In December 2014, we elected the Reverend Dayhige Mykell Wright as the 6th Pastor of the Living Water Baptist Church. On Sunday, April 26, 2015, we officially installed Reverend Wright as Pastor. Through the help of God, Pastor Wright brought exponential growth in numerous ways to the Living Water Church family. With new leadership comes new vision, and was Pastor Wright's focus to ensure that in everything, we strived to "ENHANCE THE KINGDOM." We aimed to create a space for Real Worship, and a Relevant Word that cause those who worship with us to become Responsive Witnesses. Under Pastor Wright, God allowed our church to enhance and increase our presence in the lives of those locally and nationally in many ways. On Sunday, October 9, 2022, after 8 years of labor, love, and leadership, God lead Pastor Wright to accept the call to pastor the St. John's Congregational Church of Springfield, Ma. 


We are certainly standing on the promises of God, believing that the "BEST IS YET TO COME."


To be a church that seeks to glorify God through fulfilling the great commission of Christ {Matthew 28:18-20}, to which we also devote ourselves to following after biblical principles, exemplifying his unconditional love to all, and ministering to the soul, sod and spirit of an individual. 


To be a place that will Enhance the Kingdom of God by our involvement in the lives of those who worship here. This will be a place where people will partake in REAL WORSHIP and receive a RELEVANT WORD that will develop them into becoming RESPONSIVE WITNESSES.


Living Water holds to the the scripture, which allows us to be rooted and grounded on biblical principles.

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